Can Nicotine Patches Cause Nightmares? (Revealed!)

Nicotine patches have been shown to have a direct link to the vividness of your dreams. This doesn’t necessarily translate to nightmares, though. Nicotine causes sleep disturbances which can affect the character and content of your dreams—which, for some people, might mean nightmares.


So, there is no direct, quantifiable link between nicotine patches and nightmares.

Indeed, there’s really no direct, medical definition of a “nightmare”—this is going to be different for each person.

However, there is a direct link between dream intensity and nicotine patches, even if it is only in the fact that these patches tend to disrupt your sleep.

Let’s look further into this.

Can Nicotine Patches Cause Nightmares?

Do nicotine patches cause nightmares?

So, again, it’s just important to clarify our nomenclature, here.

Nightmares are not a medically defined phenomenon, and what may be a nightmare to one person could simply be a restless and uncomfortable dream for another.

The simplest answer, though, is kind of.

Nicotine patches can indeed cause more vivid imagery in dreams, and this link has been demonstrated via published papers in medical journals.

Transdermal nicotine patches cause higher instances of vivid imagery in dreams compared to a control group.

Again, though, this is not the same as saying they cause nightmares.

The dreams that the volunteers reported were not necessarily nightmares, or even especially unpleasant.

They were simply more vivid and intense.

It also can’t be guaranteed that they would have the same effect on everyone.

You may well find that you can sleep with a nicotine patch on, no problem.

But, why do nicotine patches have this effect?


Why do nicotine patches give me weird dreams?

There are a few reasons, but first of all, it’s important to clarify how dreams work—or at least, how we’re pretty sure they do.

Each night, we go through stages of sleep.

REM is the deepest, and where most dreaming occurs.

This stands for rapid eye movement, as our eyes dart around under our eyelids as if stimulated by something external.

Because REM is the deepest cycle of sleep, we may not always achieve it if we are not relaxed enough.

What nicotine patches can do is cause your body to be more restless, more active, and your sleep to be shallower.

Indeed, the aforementioned study noted a decrease in the time spent in REM sleep for the volunteers.

Thus, their sleep wasn’t as deep.

When we feel we have dreamed more on one night than another, what is mostly happening is that we have higher dream recall.

Remembering your dreams is what dreaming is, really, and we do this more if our sleep is shallower.

Furthermore, nicotine has a fairly powerful biochemical effect.

It will get into your brain and affect, at the very least, the clarity of your mind.

So, a combination of restlessness and chemical changes in the brain are the main causes of the weird dreams resulting from use of nicotine patches.

How can I stop these dreams, then?


How do you stop nicotine nightmares?

The first thing to say is that they should stop pretty abruptly once you stop using the nicotine patches.

They won’t stick around.

That said, there are a couple of things you can do to ease the dreams.

Most revolve around getting yourself the most restful sleep you can.

Try to stick to a strict routine with bed time.

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each night.

This gives your body a good chance to slip into a natural rhythm, making your sleep sounder.

Other than that, there are a number of basic relaxation techniques you can make use of to help your sleep along.

Meditation and aromatherapy, for example, are some of the simplest and most effective.

Try to switch off all screens and start preparing for bed at least 45 minutes before you plan to go to sleep.

All this, together, should help you to sleep much more soundly.


Do nicotine patches cause night terrors?

Nicotine patches are very unlikely to outright cause night terrors.

Night terrors are quite a different thing, and are not really very common at all in adults.

That said, if you are an adult already predisposed to night terrors, then the restlessness induced by the nicotine patch may well trigger your night terrors.

If you have never experienced night terrors, though, it’s very unlikely, indeed almost impossible, that a nicotine patch alone would be able to induce them.

Nicotine is a fairly potent substance, then, with strong biochemical effects on the body and brain.

This, understandably, often translates to at the very least more intense and vivid dreams, if not outright nightmares.

These will pass, though, and given the nature of nicotine patches, you shouldn’t be using them for very long anyway.

That said, there are things you can do in the meantime to help your sleep along.


More in nightmares

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