
Who are we?

Resting My Eyes is a website for people with sleep-related problems.

It was founded in 2018 with the vision of being the place to go if you have any problems getting a good nights sleep.

Our mission is to help with sleeping problems no matter how big or small the problem may be.

We aim to have the solutions to any problems you may have with regards to sleeping.

Our mission is to ensure all our readers have a great night’s sleep.


What do we do?

Resting My Eyes is a website that aims to solve sleep related problems, by providing information so the reader can make a more informed decision.

This could be something simple such as choosing what type of pillow, duvet or mattress to buy or something more serious that needs more research such as how to stop sleepwalking.


How to get in touch 

If you want to contact us because you have a question or are not sure about a particular review or blog post, then feel free to get in touch via our contact page.


Contact Resting My Eyes