Can Caffeine Cause Nightmares? (Helpful Content!)

Caffeine can indeed cause nightmares. It stimulates the brain to a great extent which can lead to nightmares if you have caffeine too soon before going to bed. There are always other factors which may be influencing your nightmares as well, but if you are consuming too much caffeine, this is definitely not good for nightmares.


Caffeine, simply put, is a stimulant.

It wakes us up and makes our brain active, which is naturally why people tend to drink coffee in the morning.

But if you drink it at the wrong time of day, this can certainly lead to nightmares.

Let’s find out more.

Can Caffeine Cause Nightmares?


Does caffeine lead to nightmares?

Caffeine can lead to nightmares, yes.

It can depend on a great many factors, but the short answer is that there’s probably a connection if you’re having nightmares and consuming a lot of caffeine.

Probably the single biggest factor is when you consume caffeine throughout the day.

As I said, most people tend to get their caffeine in the mornings.

As long as you still care of moderation, this generally should not affect your nightly routine.

However, the later into the day you are consuming caffeine, the more likely it will be to influence your sleep.

Whether it will lead to nightmares or just vivid dreams, though, is another question.

In most cases, if caffeine does seem to be causing nightmares, it may be that it is just bringing them to the surface.

There may be something troubling you that’s leading to bad dreams.

That said, if you’re not prone to nightmares, the caffeine will still more than likely lead to vivid dreams.

In that sense, caffeine may not be the direct cause of nightmares themselves, but it certainly won’t help, either.

Different sources of caffeine are also going to have different amounts.

That is going to be a big factor.

Energy drinks are probably the worst offenders—ideally, you should avoid these drinks entirely.

Coffee is generally fine but in strict moderation.

Whatever kind of caffeine you are getting, you’ll want to avoid consuming it in any large quantity into the late afternoon.

Try and limit caffeine intake up to lunchtime.

So, why does caffeine affect our dreams?


Why does caffeine give me nightmares?

Caffeine gives you nightmares, in simple terms, because it stimulates your brain and disrupts your sleep.

Every night, we go through cycles of sleep.

The deepest of these cycles is REM sleep.

This tends to be where most dreaming occurs.

How much we have nightmares or dreams is really more a question of how well we remember them.

Caffeine negatively affects your sleep in a pretty major way.

Indeed, many cannot even sleep at all if they have tiny amounts of caffeine in their system.

So, caffeine can give you nightmares or vivid dreams for the simple reason that it gets in the way of a good night’s sleep.

Thus you are more consciously aware of your dreams, and remember them better.

Caffeine, however, is a somewhat unique case.

Many things we do can affect our sleep in this way.

Caffeine, however, both does this and actively stimulates your brain.

A more active brain while sleeping simply leads to more dreams.

One study has shown that consuming caffeine shortly before bed shifts REM sleep to the early stages of the night, meaning dreams happen while you are wider awake.

Caffeine, then, is a powerful drug.

It affects our brains in profound ways, and not the least of which is the way it stops us from getting a good night’s sleep.

It is a really good idea for your health not to consume any caffeine the later you get into the day.

What about night terrors?


Can caffeine cause night terrors?

There has not been any proven link between caffeine and night terrors.

Night terrors are quite different from dreams, and whereas virtually everyone dreams to some extent, only a small percentage of people suffer from night terrors.

Most of those who do are children, and do not continue to have night terrors into adulthood.

Of the few who do, their night terrors could certainly be triggered by caffeine intake—but the caffeine is not the root cause.

So in other words, caffeine is unlikely to cause night terrors in those not already predisposed to night terrors.

At the same time, it can make it worse if you do already suffer with them.


How long does caffeine stay in your system?

Caffeine can stay in your system for up to ten hours after you consume it, and this is a really important factor to be aware of.

You will have broken down around half of the caffeine in your system after about six hours.

So, if you drink a coffee or an energy drink in the afternoon at, say, 3pm, it will still be in your system by midnight.

It can certainly be hard in the fast-paced modern world, but reducing your caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon, is a great way to improve your sleep schedule.


You need to be very careful with consuming caffeine late at night, then, or indeed even just too much caffeine throughout the day.

It’s a powerful stimulant and will keep you brain highly active even after you go to sleep—if you manage to fall asleep caffeinated.

Caffeine is a socially acceptable substance but the fact is that it can be just as harmful as illegal narcotics if you don’t take care with it.


More in nightmares

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