Why Have I Started Snoring All Of A Sudden?

Why have I started snoring all of a sudden?

Why have I started snoring all of a suddenAre you currently asking yourself why have I started snoring all of a sudden?

First off, let’s learn exactly what snoring is.

Snoring is when a person’s breathing sounds like it is growling or rattling in their throat or even that they could be choking.

It happens after they fall asleep and the airway gets obstructed for some reason and the throat tissues vibrate and thus they snore.

Research has shown that snoring is a problem all over the world, with 40 percent of men and 24 percent of women having continuous snoring problems.

While some people just think snoring is a nuisance and annoying for anyone within hearing distance, it could actually be a sign of a serious medical problem, like sleep apnea, which is when someone briefly stops breathing while sleeping.

If you have suddenly started snoring, it is a good idea to see your doctor.

There are many reasons that could cause a person to snore, so if you are wondering why have I started snoring all of a sudden, here are some possible answers:

You started sleeping with a partner or got a roommate

Believe it or not, some snorers have probably been doing it for quite some time, but since there was no one else in the house to hear it, they didn’t know they did it.

Wouldn’t it wake them up? Actually it could have woken them up, but likely they just went back to sleep and wondered why their sleep wasn’t very restful the next morning.

Alcohol or New Medications

A person could also start snoring because something has changed in their daily activities.

If you were recently put on some new kind of medication, it could be possible that snoring is one of the side effects.

When it comes to alcohol consumption, if you had an evening where you drank more than usual or you have started to drink more often, then it could be causing your snoring because alcohol is a depressant and makes someone sleep deeper, thus the tissues in their throat become more relaxed and block the airway, thus they start snoring.

Gaining Weight and Not Exercising

Another thing that could make someone start snoring is if they have gained weight or stopped exercising.

That’s because if you gain weight it could make your neck muscles larger and put pressure on your throat, tongue and airway. That once again blocks the airway and can make you snore.

If you do snore, you are possibly too tired to exercise, and that will start a cycle of gaining weight and snoring more and more.

It’s a good idea to see your doctor to help start a program to help you lose weight and if that doesn’t stop the snoring the doctor can help to diagnose the reason.

Hormone changes or aging

When we get older, it can bring on changes in our hormone and that can change how certain bodily functions occur. For instance, women are more likely to snore after they hit menopause in their 50s.

Why have I started snoring all of a sudden?

Weak Throat Muscles

If someone’s throat muscles are weak, it makes the tissue in the throat loose and hang down more. That can cause this tissue to fall down and constrict the airway, thus making a person snore.

Sleeping on your back

If you have started sleeping on your back, this could be the cause of your snoring. That’s because the tissues in your throat tend to fall back when you sleep in this position, so the tongue partly clogs up your airway and makes you snore. It’s best to try sleeping on your side to stop the snoring if this is the cause of your snoring.

Nasal congestion

If you have nasal congestion due to a cold or the flu, this is another thing that can cause someone to suddenly start snoring. You can treat this with decongestants or a dehumidifier, which helps moisten the airway and makes it easier for you to breathe normally so you won’t snore.

Deviated septum

This is a defect in the nose structure that can make a person snore. It probably isn’t something that comes on quickly, but it can be diagnosed by a doctor and possibly repaired to help get rid of the snoring.


Perhaps you suddenly started snoring because you are allergic to something you just started having around you when you sleep. This makes the nasal cavity all irritated and inflamed. It could be caused by dust, pollen, animal fur, etc. The way to get rid of it is to get rid of whatever you are allergic to or to take allergy medication.

Jaw misalignment

If you were recently in some sort of accident that caused damage to your jaw, then that could cause problems like snoring. This would be because the misshaped jaw is somehow blocking the airway or otherwise causing some sort of restrictions that make your breathing more ragged. If you jaw heals, it could stop your snoring problem.


Smoking irritates the throat and if you have just started smoking, this could be the reason you have suddenly started to snore. If you must smoke, try to stop two or three hours prior to bedtime and this may help you to snore less at night. Smoking irritates the throat and that’s why it causes someone to snore.

Eating too much spicy food right before bedtime

Snoring can start due to indigestion, which could happen if you eat a lot of spicy food prior to going to bed. That’s because any diet that is low in lipids can cause your throat to swell up. Also, you should eat your last meal of the day at least three or four hours prior to bedtime to help it digest better and make it less likely you will snore.

All in all there are many things that can cause a person to suddenly start snoring. If you are in this situation, please see your doctor for advice.

Why have I started snoring all of a sudden?

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