Dreams About Babies (What Do They Mean?)

Dreams about babies can suggest feelings of longing, or loss. It can suggest that there is something missing, unaddressed, in your life, that you yearn for. It could be the need for feelings of comfort or love, nurturing. It can also suggest feelings of helplessness.

Babies conjure up a lot of associations and emotions for any human being.

They represent the earliest stage of life for everyone, and so even those who have no interest in having babies of their own feel some significance in babies.

In our dreams, there are a lot of obvious, knee-jerk interpretations we can make when we see them—but it’s often a lot more complicated than you think.

Let’s look further into this.

Dreams About Babies

What do babies symbolize in dreams?

Babies, fundamentally, represent and symbolize growth and development.

If you have no interest in having babies of your own, you may be wondering why you would dream about them.

Your reaction may even be one of fear.

But you were once yourself a baby.

And you developed into the person you are today.

Dreaming about babies may be nothing more than a reflection of that development.

A look back at your life and the way things have changed since you were first born and developed.

It could also be more of an ongoing development.

Perhaps there is something you are working on, whether it’s in your interpersonal relationships, your work life, or just a passion project of yours.

Babies can symbolize the growth and development of these things, too, and not only about the thought of developing families or children.

It’s also important to think about the context of the baby in the dream—were you holding it, near it, were you pregnant or not?

Let’s look into that angle.


What does it mean when you dream of holding a baby?

Again, the most common interpretation of holding a baby in a dream revolves around growth and breakthroughs.

The difference is that the growth feels more intimate and important to you, and this is reflected in the fact you are holding the baby.

Another difference if you are holding the baby is that it is more likely to be indicative of new beginnings, rather than reflections on past growth.

It could, of course, still be the latter or a combination of both.

But when you are holding a baby, it is more that something new has occurred to you directly.

It’s often interpreted as a message from your deep subconscious, advising you to focus on and nurture this new thing you are creating.

Finally, you may also look at it as an issue of protection.

You are holding and protecting the baby against some external force.

Again, this doesn’t have to be about children, but anything.


What does it mean to dream of a baby girl?

You may have been somehow aware in the dream of whether you were dreaming of a baby girl or a baby boy.

Often, these dreams occur for people who are actually pregnant.

Often, dreaming of having a baby girl suggests a state of vulnerability.

You may feel worried or vulnerable about something in your life, and your subconscious expresses that with a baby girl.

This interpretation may or may not resonate with you.

Girls are not, of course, inherently vulnerable, nor is that what the interpretation suggests.

The baby in the dream is a symbol, a representation, and not a literal human being.

So, depending on your own mindset, it may be a reflection on values traditionally associated with young girls.

That is, that they must be in one way or another protected or shielded.

So, then, what does the inverse suggest?


What does it mean to dream of a baby boy?

Keeping with traditional and common values associated with girls and boys, dreaming of having a baby boy could indicate goals in a spiritual journey.

The boy could be a representation of your own inner strength, your security for your loved ones, and even inner guidance.

How we derive inspiration from and connect with others have also been commonly suggested as interpretations of these dreams.

Baby boys often represent relationships of one form or another, and how we connect with the world around us.

Ultimately, though, the interpretation of a baby girl or boy in your dream is going to be indicative more of your own inherent thoughts and feelings.

There are no hard and fast rules about values associated with each sex.

Everyone may feel differently about such things in their dreams.

Don’t be tempted to simply dismiss your dream about babies as being indicative of something obvious.

It’s not necessarily that you’re eager about, or maybe worried about, the possibility of having children.

It doesn’t even necessarily have to be about children at all.

It may indicate a feeling of loss or emptiness somewhere else in your life.

It may also indicate a feeling of helplessness, or a lack of responsibility.


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